Sunshine Harvest 40 lbs. Box Sunshine Harvest Ganja Grower Flowering Stage Fertilizer NPK 5-25-5




A flowering stage fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 5-25-5 is a type of fertilizer that is specifically formulated to promote flowering and fruiting in plants. The NPK ratio represents the percentage of three essential nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), respectively. In this case, the fertilizer has a relatively low nitrogen content (5%), which is beneficial during the flowering stage because it encourages the plant to focus more on producing flowers rather than leafy growth. Nitrogen is primarily responsible for promoting vegetative growth, so reducing its concentration during flowering helps redirect the plant's energy towards flowering and fruit development. The phosphorus content is high at 25%. Phosphorus is crucial for supporting flower formation, root development and overall plant health. It plays a vital role in energy transfer, nutrient uptake and the production of flowers, fruits and seeds. High levels of phosphorus during the flowering stage can enhance the size, quality an...

