User manual - Scripting_Guide

CETerm Scripting Guide Page 13
After selecting a script slot and tapping the Edit button, an Edit Script dialog will
appear. The edit dialog allows Import and Export of scripts. For initial script
development it may be easier to edit on your desktop PC, copy the script to the
device, and Import the script. Smaller changes are easily made on the device.
The checkbox Load at Startup should be checked for all scripts that contain
function definitions that you want to have available in the script engine. The
checkbox should not be checked for slots that contain scripts that are bound to
keys or other activations. Load at Startup should be checked for all event
handler definitions. All scripts with Load at Startup will be loaded into the script
engine when it starts with CETerm startup, or when Re-Initialize has been
pressed on the General tab.
After importing or editing a script, you may want to tap the Test/Load button. If
the script engine was previously enabled, the script will be executed. If the
current script is a function definition, it will be checked for correct syntax and will
be made available to the script engine. If the current script contains executable