User manual - Web_Browser_Prog_Guide

Web Browser Programming Guide Page 56
The SendIDA method will attempt to complete the action before returning. We
recommend using PostIDA rather than SendIDA. There are only rare situations
when SendIDA must be used.
SendText( text, session )
SendText sends a text string to the Web Browser and directs it to the specified
session. Valid session values are 1-4. The special session value of 0 will send
the command to the current session.
The text string may include IDA symbolic names between backslash characters
‘\’. The IDA codes will be interpolated as the text is sent.
Value = GetProperty( propertyName )
GetProperty will return the named property value. This may be a device
property, application property, or session property. See the Appendix for a list of
available properties.
Status = SetProperty( propertyName, propertyValue )
SetProperty will assign the given value to the named property. See the Appendix
for a list of available properties.
PlaySound( sound )
PlaySound will play a tone or wave file depending on the specified sound. Any
wave file on the device may be specified. Use the complete file path if the file is
not in the \Windows directory. PlaySound is not available on the “external” object
(see PlayTone).
If the handheld device contains a programmable tone generator, the sound
parameter may also be a string which defines a sequence of tones to play. The
syntax is given below:
“vvfffddd” – where
vv – is the volume 01-10
fff – is the frequency in 10’s of MHz, 000-999
ddd – is the duration in 10’s of millisec, 000-999