Technical data

Configuring and Managing NTP
12.8 NTP Utilities
Since the
command depends on the ability to parse the values in the
responses it gets, it might fail to work with servers that poorly control the
data formats.
The contents of the host field may in be one of four forms: a host name, an
IP address, a reference clock implementation name with its parameter, or
REFCLK (implementation number parameter). If you specified
hostnames no
the IP addresses will be displayed.
pstatus assocID
Sends a read status request to the server for the given association. The
names and values of the peer variables returned will be printed. The
status word from the header is displayed preceding the variables, both in
hexadecimal and in English.
readlist [assocID]
Requests that the server return the values of the variables in the internal
variable list. If the association ID is omitted or is zero, the variables
are assumed to be system variables. Otherwise, they are treated as peer
variables. If the internal variable list is empty, a request is sent without
data; the remote server should return a default display.
readvar [assocID][variable_name[=value] [,...]]
Requests that the values of the specified variables be returned by the server
by sending a read variables request. If the association ID is omitted or is
given as zero, the variables are system variables; otherwise, they are peer
variables, and the values returned are those of the corresponding peer. If the
variable list is empty, a request is sent without data; the remote server should
return a default display.
Displays the variables on the variable list.
Displays the NTPQ version number.
writelist [assocID]
Like the
request except that the internal list variables are written
instead of read.
writevar assocID variable_name=value [,...]
Like the
request except that the specified variables are written
instead of read.
You can also run NTPQ by defining a foreign command as follows:
Use the following syntax when entering the NTPQ foreign command:
NTPQ [-i] [-n] [-p] [-c command][host1,host2,...]
Table 12–6 describes the NTPQ options.
12–26 Configuring and Managing NTP