Technical data

Managing TCP/IP Services
1.1 Getting Started
2. Disables active services
3. Deletes the network interface definitions
4. Deassigns defined logical names
5. Deletes installed images
To start TCP/IP Services automatically, add the following command to the system
startup file:
To maintain site-specific startup and shutdown commands and settings, create
the following files:
The site-specific startup procedure is invoked after all the TCP/IP services have
been started. These files are not overwritten when you install a new version of
TCP/IP Services.
Compaq recommends that you use the TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure
to stop and start services. However, startup and shutdown files are provided for
individual services, allowing you to stop and start individual components without
impacting the operation of the remaining TCP/IP Services software.
This feature allows you to modify a service configuration without restarting the
TCP/IP Services product. For example, you can shut down the LPD service,
change its configuration parameters, and then restart it, without interrupting the
other TCP/IP services that are running on the system.
Each service is provided with its own startup and shutdown command procedures,
as follows:
SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_STARTUP.COM, a supplied command
procedure that ensures the environment is configured appropriately and
starts up the component specified by service.
SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_SHUTDOWN.COM, a supplied command
procedure that shuts down a specific service component without affecting the
other services that are running.
To preserve site-specific parameter settings and commands for a specific service,
create the following files, specifying the service or component name for service.
These files are not overwritten when you reinstall TCP/IP Services:
SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_SYSTARTUP.COM can be used to store
site-specific startup commands.
This procedure is invoked by the appropriate service-specific startup
procedure prior to running the service. Use the *_SYSTARTUP procedure to
modify the behavior of the service each time the service or TCP/IP Services
is restarted. For example, to enable debugging mode for DHCP, define
SYSTARTUP.COM file. When DHCP next starts, it will run in debug mode.
SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$service_SYSHUTDOWN.COM can be used to store
site-specific shutdown commands.
Service-specific startup and shutdown procedures, as well as configuration
parameters, are described in the later chapters of this manual.
1–4 Managing TCP/IP Services