Technical data

If you have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege and do not specify the /USER_NAME
qualifier, the proxy record with a UID of 0 and a GID of 1 is selected.
SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege is required to select a user name that has a UIC
different from the UIC of the process running the management program.
You can use the /USER_NAME qualifier in any combination with the /HOST and
/UID qualifiers. However, if you do not have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the
values you specify must correspond to the values for your user name in the proxy
If you do not specify the /USER_NAME qualifier, the proxy record with a GID of
1 and a UID of 0 is selected. If there is no proxy entry for the UID of 0, IMPORT
TCPIP> IMPORT USER1$:[BIRDY]JOBS.TXT "/upland/sand/piper"
Copies the file JOBS.TXT to the new file
in the container directory
. The file’s ownership depends on the directory information
specified with the CREATE DIRECTORY command.
2–56 Command Descriptions