Technical data

Local device (and optional directory tree) on which to mount the remote NFS file
system. Specify this mount point as one of the following:
n Specifies the unit number. Specify a value from 0 to 9999.
Specifying 0 causes the client to choose the next available unit
number. (It does not mount a device named DNFS0:.)
Specifies the directory to mount
(up to eight subdirectories in addition to the [000000] directory).
file Specifies the individual file to mount.
Optional. Default: First 12 characters of the combined values of the /HOST and
/PATH qualifiers. The default label is a combination of /HOST and /PATH with a
dollar sign ($) separating the two.
Specifies the Files-11 (ODS-2 or ODS-5) volume label to be associated with the
remote path name.
You can use this parameter to provide a unique volume label on a system where
there is a label conflict. The client does the following:
Accepts only the first 12 characters for all other entries.
Applies volume_label only on the first mount of a particular disk.
Ignores volume_label with subsequent mounts on that disk.
HP recommends that if you use the SET FILE /STATISTICS command on a file
mounted with DNFS, do not include any colons (:) in the volume_label.
Optional. Default: None.
Specifies the logical name associated with the volume.
The client creates the following logical definitions, depending on what you specify:
If you mount DNFSn:[000000], the client defines the logical name as DNFSn:
If you mount DNFSn:[dir.dir], the client defines the logical name as
DNFSn:[dir.dir.] The extra dot allows for relative directory specifications. If
you issue the following command:
$ SET DEFAULT logical:[subdir]
2–64 Command Descriptions