Event Monitoring Service Version A., A., and A. Release Notes

Fixes in this Version
The following defects are fixed in this release:
QXCR1000932860 rm_log_init: fopen of file /etc/opt/resmon/log/client.log
When an EMS client executes with non-root privilege, it is not able to open the /etc/opt/
resmon/log/client.log file due to insufficient privileges. EMS logs an error in the
syslog stating that the privilege is insufficient. Until now it was not possible to determine
which client caused this error to be logged. The code is now enhanced to include the name
of the client that causes the error to be logged in syslog.
Known Problems and Workarounds
The following are the known problems and workarounds:
JAGaf19567 - EMS does not handle registering of persistent requests during boot time
correctly. This results in certain requests getting lost. Persistence files are set to zero if a user
tries to register the persistent requests during the boot phase.
This problem is resolved for emsgui and emscli client. However, this problem will continue
to exist for other clients.
JAGag19389 - WBEM supports the feature of specifying the severity of an event. The severity
level can be critical, major, minor, warning, information, normal, and so on. However, when
emsgui or emscli is used to submit a wbem request, the ems client program does not allow
the user to specify the severity of the notification. By default the program sets the severity
to "Warning".
QXCR1000814468 EMSHAProvider registration fails if the WBEMServices version is earlier
than A.02.05. The registration of EMSHAProvider module fails during the configure phase,
when installing/updating EMS, if the version of WBEMServices product installed on the
system is earlier than A.02.05.
You can follow any of the following workarounds:
Update the WBEMServices product to version A.02.05 or later before updating/installing
— If EMS is already installed, user can update the WBEMServices product to version
A.02.05 or later and execute the following command:
# /opt/wbem/bin/cimmof -w -n root/PG_InterOp
For more information on major changes in WBEM version A.02.05, see the HP-UX 11i Version
3 Release Notes: HP 9000 and HP Integrity Servers document on the HP Technical
Documentation website at http://docs.hp.com
Documents available with the Product
The following documents are available with EMS:
Event Monitoring Service Release Notes
Using the Event Monitoring Service user guide
These documents are available on the HP Technical Documentation website at http://
Fixes in this Version 13