ClusterPack Tutorial

% badmin hclose <hostname>
In addition, you should either wait until all running jobs complete, or
suspend them:
% bstop -a -u all -m <hostname>
Execute sysimage_create on the Management Server and pass the name of
the file from which you would like the image to be made. For example:
% /opt/clusterpack/bin/sysimage_create <hostname>
Monitor the output for possible error conditions. The image will be stored
in /var/opt/ignite/archives/<hostname>
After the image creation is complete, the Compute Node should be opened for accepting
Clusterware jobs.:
badmin hopen <hostname>
If the system you want to archive was not installed as part of the HP Technical Cluster, it will
not contain the sysimage_create tool. In this case, the make_sys_command should be used
directly to create the golden image. Verify that Ignite-UX is installed on the system:
% swlist -l product Ignite-UX
If it is not, you will need to obtain and install this product first.
Read the man pages for make_sys_image(1m) to find out more about creating system images.
The user can control what files are included in an image through the use of the -l, -g and -f
arguments to make_sys_image. See the man pages for make_sys_image(1m) for more
information. By default, files in /tmp and most files in /var/adm and /var/tmp are excluded.
More importantly, many of the system configuration files in /etc are replaced by "newconfig"
versions. The reasoning behind this is that the archive may be used on a different system where
the settings from the "golden" machine will be incorrect. A complete list of files which will be
excluded from an image can be viewed by using the command:
% /opt/ignite/data/scripts/make_sys_image -x -s local
Users may wish to exclude additional files by using the -f option to make_sys_image. If the
archive is only intended to reinstall the machine where it was made, make_sys_image -l may be
used to include all configuration files in their current state.
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1.5.2 Distribute Golden Image to a set of Compute Nodes