Fabric OS Encryption Administrator's Guide

174 Fabric OS Encryption Administrator’s Guide
Data re-keying
1. Enter the cryptocfg --resume_rekey command, followed by the CryptoTarget container
name, the LUN number and the initiator PWWN.
FabricAdmin:switch>cryptocfg --resume_rekey my_disk_tgt 0x0 \
Operation Succeeded
2. Check the status of the resumed re-key session.
FabricAdmin:switch> cryptocfg --show -rekey -all
Read all data off the LUN and write it to another LUN. In this case, you can cancel the re-key
session by removing the LUN from its container and force-committing the transaction. See
“Removing a LUN from a CryptoTarget container” on page 159 for instructions on how to
remove a LUN by force.