Distributed Systems Administration Utilities User's Guide, Linux, March 2009

Verifying that the master has an entry in the /etc/hosts file
on each client...
Starting cfengine on the master server and any managed clients.
This may take a few minutes....
When the configuration is done, the wizard displays the following summary screens which direct
the administrator to the main policy file,
/mount_point/cfengine_master/inputs/cf.main, and the recorded answer file for this
run of the wizard. The policy file is located on the newly configured filesystem associated with
the package. In our example, the administrator chose to mount the filesystem for the package as
If the administrator had previously configured cfengine, before overwriting any existing
configuration files, the wizard creates backups in the directory:
The top level files in this directory are the most recent backup files. Any configurations before
that are saved in timestamped subdirectories named v_timestamp.
The Configuration Synchronization Wizard has completed the
configuration of cfengine:
- The master configuration description template is here:
This default template has examples of typical configuration
synchronization actions performed in a cluster. For example,
synchronizing critical files such as /etc/hosts, package
scripts, etc.
All the actions in the template are disabled by default
(commented out).
Uncomment the lines corresponding to the desired
synchronization actions for this cluster. See the cfengine
reference documentation for a description of additional cfengine
features: /opt/dsau/doc/cfengine/
Press Enter to continue...
The cfengine environment consists of:
Master server (policy host): package_hostname
Master clients:
cluster_member_1, cluster_member_2, ...
A file containing the answers for this run of the Configuration
Synchronization Wizard is stored here:
This configuration can be reestablished by issuing the following command:
/opt/dsau/sbin/csync_wizard \
-f /var/opt/dsau/cfengine/tmpdir/csync_wizard_input.txt Cluster Configuration Notes for cfengine
This section describes the details of a high availability configuration of cfengine in a Serviceguard
cluster. For more information on the role of the various cfengine daemons and commands, refer
to “cfengine Daemons and Commands” (page 18). The Serviceguard package ensures that
cfengine's cfservd daemon remains highly available. The cfengine configuration files
26 Configuration Synchronization