HP CloudSystem Matrix/Matrix Operating Environment 7.0 Integration Interfaces API and CLI Operations Reference Guide

The IP address, or a logical representation for DHCP assigned addressesString address
Manner in which the IP address is assignedIPAddressAssignmentType
Cost associated with the IP addressCost cost
Time at which the logical object was created, in milliseconds since the epochLong createEpoch
Time at which the logical object was last modified, in milliseconds since the epochLong lastModifiedEpoch
Name assigned to the network interfaceString name
Subnet to which the network interface is connectedLogicalSubnet logicalSubnet
IP address configured for the network interfaceLogicalIPAddress
Indicates whether the network interface is a server’s primary oneBoolean isPrimary
Time at which the logical object was created, in milliseconds since the epochLong createEpoch
Time at which the logical object was last modified, in milliseconds since the epochLong lastModifiedEpoch
Extends LogicalServerInfo
A list of automatically triggered actions defined for the logical serverList<ServiceAction>serverActions
The logical disks attached to the logical serverList<LogicalDisk>logicalDisks
System software to be deployed on the logical serverList<LogicalSoftware>software
Network interfaces defined for the logical serverList<LogicalNetworkInterface>
Extends LogicalServerGroupInfo
A list of automatically triggered actions defined for the logical server groupList<ServiceAction> groupActions
Details of the logical servers in the groupList<LogicalServerDetails>
IP addresses assigned to the group for use as floating IP addresses within the group
(for example, by an Oracle DB server)
Name of the service containing the logical server groupString serviceName
Name of the logical server groupString name
Initial size of the logical server group on service creationInteger minServerCount
Maximum size of the logical server group that may be achieved by adding serversInteger maxServerCount
The number of logical servers in the group with status UPInteger activeServerCount
34 Data Model