HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.2 Update 1 Infrastructure Orchestration User Guide

NOTE: The APIs and CLI command can retrieve data only for the last 365 days. Ensure that you
save old data before it is more than one year old so that you can access the data, if needed.
Specifying fixed costs for templates and services
Matrix infrastructure orchestration allows a template architect to add a fixed cost to a template, in
addition to server, network, and storage costs. Examples of fixed costs are power or setup costs.
Enter a fixed cost in infrastructure orchestration designer by clicking the Cost tab in a template,
and entering a value in the Fixed Cost text box.
Select a value for Cost Frequency, which is the time interval for which a fixed cost is calculated.
Values are Month (default), Week, Day, Hour, or Unspecified.
Assigning and retrieving cost and billing information (chargeback) 137