HP CloudSystem Matrix/Matrix Operating Environment 7.0 Integration Interfaces API and CLI Operations Reference Guide

Time at which the history item event occurred, in milliseconds since the epochLong occurEpoch
A message describing the eventString message
Severity of the eventMessageSeverity messageSeverity
Detail level of the messageRequestHistoryItemLevel level
(Required) The value as an enumerated typeRequestHistoryItemLevelEnum
A more specific value not defined in the enumerated type, when the enumValue is
String otherValue
Possible values: NORMAL, VERBOSE, OTHER
An identifier assigned to the request when it is submitted. Corresponds to the request
parameters and return values defined for many of the API operations.
String id
Type of operation represented by the requestRequestType type
Time at which the request was submitted, in milliseconds since the epochLong submitEpoch
Time at which processing started for the request, in milliseconds since the epoch.
The value may be null if the request is scheduled for future processing (such as a
Long startEpoch
Create Service request with a future lease start date/time) or if an error prevented
processing of the request.
Time at which processing ended for the request, in milliseconds since the epoch.
The value is null if the request does not have a terminal status.
Long endEpoch
Current status of the request processing. The progression of a request through various
status values is highly dependent on the request type and other parameters as well
as user interaction.
RequestStatus status
Indicates the progress of request processing. The value is based on the number of
steps required/completed and is not a reliable indicator of processing time
Integer percentComplete
Name of the service affected by the requestString serviceName
Name of the template used for the service affected by the requestString templateName
Name of the user that submitted the request (or on whose behalf the request was
String createdByUser
Unique identifier for the organization to which the request belongsString organizationId
(Required) The value as an enumerated typeRequestStatusEnum enumValue
A more specific value not defined in the enumerated type, when the enumValue is
String otherValue
38 Data Model