HP CloudSystem Matrix/Matrix Operating Environment 7.2 Integration Interfaces API and CLI Operations Reference Guide

Name of the server pool.String name
Custom server pool notes.String notes
IDs of the VM hosts in the server pool.List<String> vmHostIds
IDs of the compute servers in the server pool.List<String> computeServerIds
IDs of the cloud capacity pools in the server pool.List<String> cloudCapacityPoolIds
IDs of the ESX capacity pools in the server poolList<String> esxCapacityPoolIds
Names of the users assigned to the server pool. This value is reported only to
infrastructure orchestration Administrators.
List<String> userNames
Names of the Active Directory groups assigned to the server pool. This value is
reported only to infrastructure orchestration Administrators.
List<String> userGroupNames
Notes associated with the movement of servers to the server pool. These notes are
present only in the Maintenance pool.
Unique identifier for the organization to which the server pool belongs.String organizationId
ID of the server (VM host or compute server) to which the note applies.String serverResourceId
Time at which the server was moved to the server pool, in milliseconds since the
Long movedEpoch
Name of the server pool from which the server was moved. This value is not available
after the referenced server pool is deleted.
String movedFromPoolName
Name of the user who initiated the server pool move.String movedByUser
User-specified notes associated with the server pool move.String notes
Resource ID for the server.String id
Server model identifier.String model
Server serial number.String serialNumber
Universally unique identifier for the server.String uuid
Physical memory configured on the server, in megabytesInteger memorySizeMB
Physical memory in use on the server, in megabytes, if the server is running a
managed operating system.
Integer memoryConsumedMB
Processor architecture used by the server.Organization
Number of physical processor cores in the server.Integer processorCoreCount
Speed of the server’s processors, in megahertz.Integer processorSpeedMHz
Percentage of the server’s processor cycles being consumed, if the server is running
a managed operating system.
Integer processorLoadPercent
Blade enclosure name or rack name depending on server model.String enclosure
76 Data Model