HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.3 Update 1 Installation and Configuration Guide for Provisioning with Virtual Resources

Edit the Group Name.
TIP: When adding the Server Group Name, use short strings that have meaning within the
service template. A number is appended to the server group name to indicate the name of a
server within it. These names are only seen in infrastructure orchestration designer and
administrator GUIs. For example: WebServer.
You may optionally specify how many VMs and their resource requirements. Incomplete
required items show on the pop up with a red "X." Verify the Server Type is Virtual. If High
Availability is marked, during service creation the VMs in this group are provisioned to a
clustered VM host and registered with an optional Server Health Check Operations
Orchestration workflow. The optional Server Health Check workflow is not included in the
default installation but can be created at a later time. If no clustered VM hosts are available,
service creation would fail.
6. You must fill in the Network tab for the Virtual Server Group (SvrGrp1). There are three parts
to the virtual machine's hostname. The first part is defined in this service template. The second
part is specified by a user's service creation request. The third part is a numeric suffix based
on the number of servers created for this server group.
112 Creating Matrix infrastructure orchestration templates and services