Neoview Database Administrator's Guide (R2.5)

NOTE: When you delete all tables from the automated list, warnings 6010 and 6011 continue
to occur instead of warnings 6007 and 6008. To restore the warning messages to the ones
that occurred before automation, contact HP support.
The exclude operation is intended for use when the list of automated tables is dynamic —
that is, using the procedure CHG_AUTO_LIST('insert','*','*',?). In this case, automated update
statistics is run on all existing tables and any new tables that have not specifically been
You can exclude tables from the automated list one at a time. However, you cannot exclude
a table that was previously inserted unless you first perform a delete operation on that table.
For delimited schema and table names, if the schema or table name passed to
CHG_AUTO_LIST() contains single quotes, Neoview SQL requires that the character be
represented by two single quotes. For example, you should specify the table name,
SCHEMA."'A brown ""fox""'" as shown below:
CHG_AUTO_LIST('insert', 'schema', '"''A brown ""fox""''"', ?)
This CALL statement invokes the CHG_AUTO_LIST() procedure, which adds all existing
tables to the list of automated tables:
SQL>call hp_ustat.chg_auto_list('insert', '*', '*', ?);
INSERTed 3 table names (all) into list.
--- SQL operation complete.
This CALL statement invokes the CHG_AUTO_LIST() procedure, which deletes all table
entries in the automated list, and the list becomes static:
SQL>call hp_ustat.chg_auto_list('delete', '*', '*', ?);
All entries DELETEd.
--- SQL operation complete.
This CALL statement invokes the CHG_AUTO_LIST() procedure, which adds the sales.orders
table to the list of automated tables:
SQL>call hp_ustat.chg_auto_list('insert', 'sales', 'orders', ?);
--- SQL operation complete.
This CALL statement invokes the CHG_AUTO_LIST() procedure, which adds the
table to the list of automated tables:
SQL>call hp_ustat.chg_auto_list('insert', 'sales', 'parts', ?);
Table name "SALES.PARTS" INSERTed.
--- SQL operation complete.
This CALL statement invokes the CHG_AUTO_LIST() procedure, which deletes the table from the automated list:
Setting Tables for Automated UPDATE STATISTICS 27