Using SAMBA Toolkit in a ServiceGuard for Linux (SG/LX) Cluster Version A.01.00, June 2003

Using SAMBA Toolkit in a ServiceGuard for Linux (SG/LX) Cluster Version A.01.00
Setting Up SAMBA Server Application for a SG/LX Cluster
Chapter 110
comment = File System 1
path = /shared/FS1
valid users = user1
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
create mask = 0765
For the second instance:
comment = File System 2
path = /shared/FS2
valid users = user2
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
create mask = 0765
You must create a separate, distinct sub-configuration file for each
SAMBA SG/LX package. Each package corresponds to a unique SAMBA
logic instance with its associated sub configuration file. Note that the sub
configuration file must be identical on all cluster nodes that are
configured for a particular SAMBA package.
You must include all the SAMBA users and their password of all
instances in all nodes. That means each node will maintain all user list
for all instances in the /etc/samba/smbuser and
"/etc/samba/smbpasswd" files.
To use a shared file system, you must make all necessary preparations
for the file system creation prior to creating the SAMBA package. For a
local configuration, you must install and configure SAMBA in the same
location on both the primary and all backup nodes and set up identical
(or equivalent) configuration files in the same directory on all nodes. For
a Shared configuration, one or more shared file systems will be used, just
make sure that all required components which are on shared storage will
be available at the same time. Also, you must configure shared volume
groups on all nodes in the cluster.