Getting Started with HP Systems Insight Manager 7.0 or Greater in a Smaller Windows Environment

Only users with a valid user ID and password on the CMS can access and perform tasks on a
particular managed system or group of systems. Each user can perform tasks using the tools in a
toolbox authorized for that particular user. Systems Insight Manager has four default toolboxes
including the All Tools toolbox and the Monitor Tools toolbox. Users who are authorized to use the All
Tools toolbox can perform administrative tasks and can change the state of managed systems.
Authorize occasional users or non-experts to use only the Monitor Tools toolbox.
This paper assumes that you have a small number of authorized users and
use only the default toolboxes. Note that toolboxes and authorizations can
be customized for environments with large numbers of users and different
security needs for different managed systems.
Secure access using a web browser
When you access Systems Insight Manager from a web browser, you must sign in using a secure
sockets layer (SSL) connection. Your user name and password for Systems Insight Manager is the
same as your login credentials for the Windows operating system running on the CMS. Systems
Insight Manager uses operating system security and SSL to ensure strong authentication and data
encryption and to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to the management console.