HP Systems Insight Manager 7.2 Command Line Interface Guide

System attributes are categorized into two groups, hardware and software. When specifying an
attribute in an mxnode XML input file, the correct attribute modifier must be used. The following
examples show the two attribute modifiers:
The Device Type attribute is a hardware attribute and is specified in the XML file by using the
hw-attribute modifier: <hw-attribute name="DeviceType">Device Type
The operating system Name is a software attribute and is specified in the XML file by using
the sw-attribute modifier: <sw-attribute name="OSName">Your operating
system name here</sw-attribute>.
Only the following system attributes can be locked:
The attribute name in parentheses is the actual attribute name that would be used in the mxnode
XML file.
Software attributes
Preferred Node Name (PreferredNodeName) . An alternate system/node name of
your choosing which can make it easier for you to identify, find, or organize systems/nodes
in the database.
System Description (SystemDescription) . This attribute describes the device. Any
displayable text can be used as a value for this attribute.
Asset Number (AssetNumber) . The asset number of the system. Any displayable text
can be used as a value for this attribute.
OS Description (OSDescription) . The description of the system's operating system.
Any displayable text can be used as a value for this attribute.
OS Name (OSName) . The name of the operating system on the managed system. Only the
following predefined valid values can be used for this attribute: HPUX, WINNT, LINUX, NOVEL,
and Tru64.
OS Revision (OSRevision) . The revision level of the operating system. Any displayable
text can be used as a value for this attribute.
Contact (Contact) . The person to contact if system maintenance is needed. Any
displayable text can be used as a value for this attribute.
Location (Location) . The physical location of the system. Any displayable text can be
used as a value for this attribute.
Hardware attributes
Device Type (DeviceType) . The major type of the device. Only the following predefined
valid device types can be used as values for this attribute. Some device type values differ
slightly from the device types in the GUI, as shown in the following table:
mxnode attribute nameGUI name
PDUPower Distribution Unit
mxnode 67