HP Systems Insight Manager 7.0 Command Line Interface Guide

The attributes that can be modified and locked, but require a predefined value, are marked with
an asterisk.
See the System attributes that can be locked section for the valid values for the DeviceType,
DeviceSubType and OSName attributes. Ensure that the correct category is used for each attribute
(hardware or software).
The three attribute lock flags are marked with an LF marker.
Sample XML file with all system attribute formats and syntax:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<node name="systemName" host-name="hostName" monitoring="resume">
L* <hw-attribute name="DeviceType">your data here</hw-attribute>
L* <hw-attribute name="DeviceSubType">your data here</hw-attribute>
L <hw-attribute name="Model">your data here</hw-attribute>
L <hw-attribute name="SerialNumber">your data here</hw-attribute>
<hw-attribute name="OverallStatus">10</hw-attribute>
<hw-attribute name="ProductID">12345</hw-attribute>
L* <sw-attribute name="OSName">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="OSRevision">your data here</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="OSRevisionText">info here</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="TrustStatus">false</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="AssetNumber">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="Contact">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="Location">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="PreferredNodeName">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="SysDescription">your data here</sw-attribute>
L <sw-attribute name="OSDescription">your data here</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="OSNameStr">OS name str</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="OSVendor">OS vendor info</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="IPAddress"></sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="ProtocolSupport">SNMP:1.0</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="discovery.source">Ping</sw-attribute> LF
<sw-attribute name="DefaultProtoSettings">false</sw-attribute>
LF <sw-attribute name="DefaultAttributeSettings">false</sw-attribute>
LF <sw-attribute name="DefaultSystemName">false</sw-attribute>
<managementpath-list />
Example 7
To change the PreferredNodeName attribute for system abc to LABabc:
1. Obtain the XML for the node by running mxnode -lf >filename.
2. Edit the output file. You can leave all the current attributes as is, or remove all attributes except
for PreferredNodeName (if it does not exist, add it).
3. Use the XML file as the input for the mxnode -m -f filename command.
The following example shows what the XML file might look like:
<node name="abc">
<sw-attribute name="PreferredNodeName">LABabc</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="DefaultProtoSettings">false</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="DefaultAttributeSettings">false</sw-attribute>
<sw-attribute name="DefaultSystemName">false</sw-attribute>
<managementpath-list />
74 Command descriptions