HP Systems Insight Manager 7.0 Command Line Interface Guide

Return values
Systems Insight Manager and TomCat started correctly.0
An error occurred during startup.>0
To start the Systems Insight Manager daemons, enter mxstart.
mxstatus displays or returns (through the exit code) the current ready or not-ready state of Systems
Insight Manager
mxstatus [ [ [-w [-t minutes] ] [-v] ] | [-l] | [-h] | [-v] ]
The mxstatus command may be used to determine if Systems Insight Manager is running and
in a ready or accessable state. This command is primarily intended to be called from a Systems
Insight Manager partner application that wants to perform some installation or upgrade process
on the Systems Insight Manager CMS, and needs to know if all Systems Insight Manager
communications interfaces are ready and accessable. Systems Insight Manager communications
interfaces include all SOAP APIs, CLIs and Portal URLs. You can also invoke this command through
the standard command line interface which supports online usage help and a verbose mode to
display operation progress.
This command supports two main modes of operation. A WAIT mode and a NOWAIT mode.
When used in WAIT mode, the command will not return to the caller until Systems Insight Manager
is determined to be in a ready state or the internal safety timeout period has expired. This mode
alleviates the calling application the burden of providing the same looping/checking process as
provided by the command's internal WAIT loop process. The WAIT mode is enabled by using the
-w option.
When used in NOWAIT mode, the command will return immediately to the caller with the current
ready/not-ready state of Systems Insight Manager. The command will not block, regardless of the
state of Systems Insight Manager. This mode then enables the calling application to provide its
own looping and waiting process. The NOWAIT mode is the default mode of operation for the
In normal operation, this command will not display any textual information through STDOUT. The
calling application must verify the exit code that is returned by mxstatus to determine the Systems
Insight Manager running/ready state. See the “Return valuesfor valid mxstatus exit values.
The mxstatus command will display progress and Systems Insight Manager running/ready
information if you use the [-v] verbose option.
The WAIT option forces the command to wait or block (not return to caller) until
Systems Insight Manager is in a ready state, or a default or specified safety timeout
period has expired. If the -w option is not provided, then the normal default behavior
for the command is the NOWAIT mode, whereby the command will return
mxstatus 99