HP Systems Insight Manager 7.2 Command Line Interface Guide

Specify the names of the managed nodes and node groups on which to execute
the tool. This list of nodes and node groups is called the target list. The targets are
separated by spaces, and node groups are identified by the g: prefix.
-q queryname
Specify the name of an existing query on which to execute the tool.
-i task_name [task_name...]
Specify the existing tasks on which to perform a specified operation.
-j jobID [jobID...]
Specify the currently running job on which to perform a specified operation.
-d date
List the jobs completed after a specific date. Enter the date in the format:
month/day/year hour:minute AM|PM. Enclose the string specifying the date
in quotation marks to ensure that it is interpreted as a single argument, including
the embedded spaces.
Cancel a job.
Kill any running commands associated with a job.
-l d
Display detailed information for the specified job, including stdout, stderr, and
completion status per target. An error occurs if you do not specify a job ID. One
job ID and one -l option can be specified.
-l n
List job IDs only. -l n is the default for listing; it behaves as if no options are
specified. Normally, -l n is not specified with any job_ID values, and it lists all
jobs. Otherwise, it repeats the job ID values specified on the command line, if they
exist. Only one -l option can be specified.
-l t
List jobs in long format, including the task name, job ID, user, toolname, and state
for each specified job ID, or for all jobs if no job IDs are specified. Only one -l
option can be specified.
External influences
The language setting of the command shell in which you execute this command is used as the
preferred language that you want the command line tool to execute with on the target nodes.
For Windows operating systems, the current Code Page setting of the Command Prompt window
is used to determine the preferred language. For example, if the chcp command returns 932, the
language is Japanese. The chcp command can be used to change the Code Page setting if the
operating system has the language installed and is configured to allow its use.
For Linux and HP-UX operating systems, the LANG environment variable describes the locale that
is used to determine the preferred language. Valid settings for the LANG variable can be listed
with the locale -a command. However, in order to view the output, the terminal window running
40 Command descriptions