HP Systems Insight Manager 7.1 Command Line Interface Guide

External influences
For HP-UX and Linux, LANG determines the default encoding that the system will use to output XML
data if no encoding is specified on the command line. If LANG is not specified or null, or LANG
does not correspond to a recognized encoding, it defaults to C (see lang (5)). In this case, use
the -b option to specify the encoding of the XML data.
Return values
Successful completion.0
Command line syntax error.1
command-line syntax error was encountered.2
Nonexistent user, toolbox, node, or node group error.3
Invalid name.21
HP SIM error.102
The CMS is not initialized.222
Unable to connect to the session manager.249
Example 1
To add the authorizations in the file my_auths.xml, enter mxauth -a -f my_auths.xml.
The contents of my_auths.xml might look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<node-authorization user-name="user1"
node-name="node1.corp.com" />
<node-authorization user-name="user2"
node-name="node1.corp.com" />
<node-authorization user-name="user3"
node-name="node2.corp.com" />
<node-group-authorization user-name="user4"
toolbox-name="All Tools"
node-group-name=All Managed Systems />
The first section in my_auths.xml gives user1 the toolbox webadmin on node1.corp.com. The
second section gives user2 the toolbox operator on node1.corp.com. The third section gives user3
the toolbox dbadmin on node2.corp.com. The fourth section gives user4 the toolbox All Tools for
the node group All Managed Systems.
Example 2
To add the node authorization allowing user bill to execute any tools assigned to the webadmin
toolbox on node web01, enter mxauth -a -u bill -R webadmin -n web01.
Example 3
To use the wildcard character to add the node authorizations that allow user jane to execute any
tools assigned to the webadmin toolbox on all configured nodes at the time the command is
executed, enter mxauth -a -u jane -R webadmin -n "*".
mxauth 23