HP Systems Insight Manager 7.3 Update 1 User Guide

Key. The license keys received from the target systems. Each key retrieved from a system is
on a separate line. Some products have more than one license key. License details are
contained in the key, and each key might enable more than one product.
Product. The name of the product associated with the use of this key.
Response Status. The status of the request for license data for the selected system.
Successful task
Licensing information from the remote system.A.
B. Licensing information from the target system.
NOTE: This response status displays for systems running Windows variant OS and has
license stored in the registry.
Unsuccessful task
Connection to device failed. Possible reasons could be device
not reachable or device is an older firmware version of management
This happens due to the following reasons:
a. Network error - Connection Refused.
b. Network error - Connection timed out.
c. The system you are trying to connect has firmware version that is older or not
B. Device not found.
Failure in pinging the system.
C. License Key overused. Please refer to the license agreement to
avoid any violations.
D. No valid licensing information found on the remote system.
E. No licensing information on the remote system.
F. Problem collecting licensing information.
G. Failed to contact this system. Network path not found or similar
H. Specified system is no longer in the database.
I. Target system is not running Microsoft Windows as required.
J. Keys cannot be collected from a system of this type.
NOTE: This displays if the system is of a different type such as; a switch, a printer, a
cluster, a complex, or a system not running a Windows OS.
K. Cannot collect keys stored on this node. HP SIM host and specified
system must be running Microsoft Windows.
NOTE: This happens when, for example CMS or a remote system is not running a
Windows variant operating system.
L. License Manager does not know how to assign licenses for this
product. License Manager has no information about this product.
Install the HP Systems Insight Manager plug-in that uses this
license or collect license information from a system running this
product first.
Collect Remote License Info 129