Secure Shell (SSH) in HP Systems Insight Manager 5.1 and 5.2

The setting used to manage control key checking is in the file
<HP SIM>/config/
in Windows and
in Linux and HP
(or ‘always’ or ‘never’)
: Before modifying this property, you must first stop the HP SIM service. Once you have
modified the property, restart the HP SIM service.
The list of known hosts used by HP SIM is stored in this file
in Windows and
in Linux and HP
UX. Note that this is not the
same file used by other SSH clients, which is typically in a user directory named .ssh.
User authentication
The managed system must authenticate the user that HP SIM h
as chosen to make the SSH request.
The user is specified by the tool being run:
The tool can specify an explicit account to be used for this tool through the </execute
user> statement in the tool definition (described later). Typically, tools run as t
he user root for
UNIX systems or Administrator for Windows systems.
If no explicit user is specified in the tool then it runs as the same user name as the person
attempting to run the tool. For example, if user ‘joe’ is signed in to HP SIM and attempts
run a tool, then HP SIM attempts to connect to the managed system as user ‘joe’. The
managed system must have a user with this name, and it must be correctly configured to
enable SSH access for that user.
All the tools shipped with HP SIM run as root
or Administrator. Additional tools can be added, such
as custom tools, which run as other users.
As discussed earlier, SSH supports three methods of user authentication: user public key, host key,
and password. HP SIM supports all three of these metho
ds. In most cases user public key
authentication is recommended, as is the most secure. You can choose to use host key or password
authentication if you want, as discussed later in
Configuration Options
The same key pair is u
sed for both key
based mechanisms and is used for all users and all managed
systems. The private key is located in the
<HP SIM>/config/sshtools/.dtfSshKey
file in
Windows and
in Linux and H
UX, with the
public key available for copying to other systems at