Installing and Administering Internet Services

Chapter 5 179
Configuring TFTP and BOOTP Servers
Adding Client or Relay Information
Table 5-2 lists the tags most commonly used to define the relay
parameters. For more information on these and the other tags available,
type man 1M bootpd.
Table 5-2 Tags for Defining Relay Options in bootptab
ht Client’s hardware type. May be assigned the value ieee or ether.
If used, this tag must precede the ha tag.
ip BOOTP client’s IP address. This tag takes only one IP address. This
tag distinguishes a boot entry from a relay entry.
sm The subnet mask for the client’s network.
tc Specifies previously-listed entry that contains tag values that are
shared by several client entries.
vm The format of the vendor extensions on the bootrequest and
bootreply. Possible values are auto (the bootreply uses the format
used in the bootrequest), rfc1048 (the most commonly used
format, described in RFC 1048), and cmu (another format used by
some BOOTP clients). If you do not specify the vm tag, the bootreply
will use the format sent by the client in the bootrequest.
bp List of boot servers to which the client’s bootrequests will be
forwarded. The list can contain individual IP addresses, hostnames,
or network broadcast addresses.
ha Client’s hardware address.
hm Mask for the link level address. This value is ANDed with the ha
value to determine a match for a group relay entry. If this tag is
specified, the ha and ht tags must also be specified.
hp Maximum number of hops for the entry. Default is 4.
ht Client’s hardware type. See the bootp man page for supported
hardware types and the corresponding values. If used, this tag must
precede the ha tag.
tc Specifies previously-listed entry that contains tag values that are
shared by several client entries.