Installing and Administering Internet Services

Chapter 10 327
Using rdist
Creating the Distfile
Table 10-1 Distfile Commands
install Copies source files/directories to each host in the
destination list. Any of the following options can be
-b performs a binary comparison and updates files if
they differ. Without this option, rdist updates files only
if the size or modification time differs.
-h follows symbolic links on the master host and copies
the file(s) that the link points to. Without this option,
rdist copies the name of a symbolic link.
-i ignores unresolved links. Without this option, rdist
tries to maintain the link structure of the files being
copied and sends out warnings if any link cannot be
-R removes files in the remote host’s directory that do
not exist in the corresponding directory on the master
-v displays the files that are out of date on the remote
host but does not update any files or send any mail.
-w appends the full pathname (including directory
subtree) to a destination directory name. For example, if
file /dira/filea is copied to dirb, the result ant file is
/dirb/dira/filea. Without this option, the preceding
copy operation would result in /dirb/filea.
-y does not update files on the remote host that are
newer than the master copy.
destpath installs the file on the remote host as the
specified path name.
notify user[@host] Mails a list of updated files and/or any errors that have
occurred to a specified receiver. If host is not specified,
the remote host name is assumed.