HP-UX Secure Resource Partitions (SRP) A.02.01 Administrator's Guide

17 Verifying and Troubleshooting SRP
This chapter contains procedures for verifying and troubleshooting SRP. This chapter addresses the
following topics:
17.1 Verification Procedures
17.2 Troubleshooting Procedures
17.3 Reporting Problems
NOTE: You can run system administration and performance tools (such as glance, gpm, kprof,
kgmon, ktrace, and caliper) in the INIT compartment.
17.1 Verification Procedures
This section includes the following procedures to verify the subsystem data configured by SRP:
17.1.1 Verifying SRP Subsystems
17.1.2 Verifying Security Containment Compartment Data
17.1.3 Verifying RBAC Data
17.1.4 Verifying PRM Data
17.1.5 Verifying Network Data
17.1.6 Verifying IPFilter Data
17.1.7 Verifying IPSec Data
17.1.1 Verifying SRP Subsystems
You can use the srp_setup utility to quickly verify the status of the subsystems with data managed
by SRP.
17.1.2 Verifying Security Containment Compartment Data
Use the following procedures to verify Security Containment Compartment configuration data:
Verify that the compartment rules are loaded into the kernel.
Enter the following command:
getrules -m compartment_name
Manually test the file access rules.
Login to the SRP compartment and attempt file access operations that should succeed or fail,
such as cd and touch commands for files not available from the SRP. From the INIT
compartment, you can create a temporary file in a directory for which the SRP compartment
does not have ulink (delete) access. Login to the SRP compartment and attempt to delete the
Verify that the processes configured for the SRP compartment are running in the compartment.
Use the ps -ef command to find the PID for applications in your SRP compartment. For
# ps -ef | grep sshd
root 968 1 0 Oct 14 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd