Dynamic Root Disk A.3.10.* Release Notes (January 2012)

ERROR: Could not contact host "myserver". Make sure
the hostname is correct and an absolute pathname
is specified (beginning with "/").
You might see the following error message during the execution of drd runcmd if your nsswitch.conf file
contains the "
passwd compat" or "group: compat" entries:
ERROR: Permission is denied for the current operation.
There is no entry for user id 0 in the user
database. Check /etc/passwd and/or the NIS
user database.
Issue Resolution
Because DRD does not need NIS to be running during
swinstall, swremove, or update you can move
nsswitch.conf file on the clone to a temporary location. After you are done modifying the clone, you
can move it back.
# drd mount
# bdf
# mv /var/opt/drd/mnts/sysimage_001/etc/nsswitch.conf \
# drd runcmd <command_to_run>
# mv /var/opt/drd/mnts/sysimage_001/etc/nsswitch.conf.orig \
# drd umount
Alternatively, you can remove the "passwd" and "group" entries that contain compat from the clone's
/var/opt/drd/mnts/sysimage_001/etc/nsswitch.conf file and replace the "hosts" entry with:
hosts: dns [NOTFOUND=return] nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
4.4 Cloning Problems
Issue Description occasional failure on fully allocated file systems
In some cases where a file system is nearly full, drd clone fails with the following frecover messages
frecover(1047): I/O error in write of file <path>
frecover(1073): frecover of <path basename> failed
In these cases, frecover appears to need some temporary work space to successfully create the file.
Issue Resolution
To resolve, free up some space in the nearly full source file system.
StatusAlternative copy mechanisms are being investigated. QXCR1000963803
Issue Description failure cloning, sconf* line 7: syntax error
DRD can abort during a clone attempt if instances or disk devices have been renumbered, and multiple agile
device files exist for the same device. The following error can occur:
# drd clone -pt /dev/disk/disk165 -x overwrite=true