HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

expressions, 85
format specification, 238
functions, 161, 163
hexadecimal edit descriptor, 261
Hollerith constants, 115
Hollerith edit descriptor, 254
I/O data list, 221
I/O statements, 219
IF loop, 145
implied-DO loop, 75, 223
implied-DO loop, nested, 224
infinite DO loop, 144
integer constant, 114
integer edit descriptor, 254
interface block, 182
logical constant, 119
logical edit descriptor, 256
module program unit, 190
octal edit descriptor, 258
procedures, 161, 162
real constant, 117
real edit descriptor, 249
statements, 267
structure constructor, 126
structure-component reference, 125
subroutines, 161, 162
subscript triplet, 68
tab edit descriptor, 261
type declaration statement, 109
vector subscript, 68
WHERE construct, 101
SYSTEM intrinsic subroutine, 629
SYSTEM routine, 654
system routines
tempnam, 204
SYSTEM_CLOCK intrinsic subroutine, 629
T edit descriptor, 261
tab character
formatting, 52
tab edit descriptor, 261
TAN intrinsic function, 630
TAND intrinsic function, 631
TANH intrinsic function, 631
tape input/output libU77 routines, 647
target, 131
assignment statement, 97
glossary, 679
NULLIFY statement, 405
pointer assignment, 99
pointer association, 157
rules, 477
TARGET statement and attribute, 476
pointer assignment, 99
TASK COMMON statement, 479
TCLOSE routine, 654
tempnam system routine, 204
terminal statement for DO loop, 143
DO loops, 310, 327
list-directed input, 210
program execution, 152
THEN clause
IF (block) statement, 369
intrinsic subroutine, 632
time and date
intrinsic procedures, 511
libU77 routines, 647
time for program execution, 618
TIME routine, 654
timing execution speed, 592
TINY intrinsic function, 632
TL edit descriptor, 261
TO clause
ASSIGN statement, 279
tokens, lexical, 42
TOPEN routine, 654
TR edit descriptor, 261
trailing comments, 50, 51
TRANSFER intrinsic function, 633
in expressions, 93, 95
transferring control
between procedures, 155
within program, 139
transformational intrinsics, 504
in expressions, 93, 95
TRANSPOSE intrinsic function, 634
trap handling
ON statement, 407
TREAD routine, 654
TREWIN routine, 654
TRIM intrinsic function, 635
in expressions, 93, 95
triplet, subscript, 69
TRUE, value of, 89, 120
truncating constants, 116
truth table, 89
TSCKIPF routine, 654
TSTATE routine, 655