HP Matrix Operating Environment 7.2 Update 1 Infrastructure Orchestration User Guide

6. To store the virtual machine management template, in the target folder, select Browse and
select a virtual machine host datastore folder, or click Next to select the default choice.
7. Click Next. The Step 4: Confirm Details screen appears.
8. Click Run Now. The task results appear.
Insight Control virtual machine management template creation might take from 5 minutes up
to 30 minutes to complete.
The resulting ESX VM template is discovered and displayed in the Software tab in the infrastructure
orchestration console, and can be selected as the software when configuring a server group in an
IO template in infrastructure orchestration designer.
When configuring an IO template and specifying a VM template as the software, changes made
to the VM template after the IO template is created are not reflected in the IO template. If a service
is created from that (outdated) IO template, the service uses information from the updated VM
template. Therefore, the resulting service may not reflect the values in the IO template. To avoid
this issue, if the VM template is changed, create a new IO template and select the updated VM
template as the software before deploying the service.
Viewing VM templates with data disks
VM templates that have data disks defined appear on the infrastructure orchestration console
Software tab and can be used in infrastructure orchestration templates. If a VMware or Hyper-V
VM template is selected on the Software tab, and that VM template has more than one data disk,
a pie chart is displayed. The pie chart shows the relative sizes of the disk definitions in the VM
The following example shows the pie chart for a VMware template named Linux5DiskTemplate,
which contains six VM data disks.
This information is also shown in the VM Template Disks tab in the infrastructure orchestration
designer Configure Virtual Storage screen, and in the Details pane of the infrastructure orchestration
console Services tab.
In a template in infrastructure orchestration designer, the notation boot+ is used to show that the
disk includes one or more data disks.
Configuring an environment for virtual provisioning 43