HP Virtualization Manager with Logical Server Manager 6.2 User Guide

Configuring Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM)
HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM) is a software tool that provides a service-centric
management interface to storage, allowing storage requests to be fulfilled with available storage
services from a storage catalog.
SPM is automatically installed as part of Insight Dynamics. Before you can use SPM, An EVA
must be installed and attached to SPM, and configured to use Command View (CV).
SPM can also be connected to storage arrays that are managed by HP Insight Orchestration and
to unmanaged storage arrays.
To start SPM, open an internet browser to https://localhost:8001, where “localhost” is the name
of your CMS or the name of the server hosting SPM. The online help for SPM is available at
The security certificate for data encryption is generated by SPM at runtime; therefore it is not
signed by a Certificate Authority. The first time you access SPM, the browser displays a warning
that SPM can not be proven to be a trusted site. Follow the instructions on the warning to allow
access in order to launch SPM. The warning will not display again.
See “Storage Provisioning Manager” (page 90) and “Setting up SPM for use with logical server
storage” (page 61) for more information.
Setting up SPM for use with logical server storage
Before you can use Storage Provisioning Manager with logical servers, make sure you have
completed these steps, as shown in the SPM online help at https://localhost:8001/help/index.html.
1. Import storage into the storage catalog, and add a managed array
2. Import a volume service
3. Manage storage catalog entities/manage arrays
a. Modify array connectivity settings on an unmanaged array
b. Map each array port to the SAN
To use EVA with SPM, manually edit the file
eva_win2k8_support_fw_versions.properties in the directory C:\Program Files\
HP\Virtual Server Environment\esa\conf. See “Updating an ESA properties file to
support Windows 2008 host mode” for more information.
Configuring Extensible Server & Storage Adapter (ESA)
ESA provides storage provisioning and server operations for logical servers and HP Insight
ESA is installed and configured with Insight Dynamics. This section includes ESA configuration
details, so that you can change the default configuration if it is required in your environment.
Configuring Operations Orchestration credentials in ESA
For ESA to invoke OO workflows (for either server or storage workflows), it is necessary to
configure the OO credentials. The assumption is that OO and ESA are installed on same CMS
(Central Management Server). You must update the OO password and restart ESA service from
the Windows service console.
Open the esa.properties file, located in C:\Program Files\HP\Virtual Server
Environment\conf. Change the following and restart the ESA service from the Windows
service console.
##OO - Configuration
esa.oo.admin.password=<oo password>
Authorizations, requirements, and configuration 61