Using HP Insight Software from a Highly Available Central Management Server with Microsoft Cluster Service

Figure 6. The Cluster Resource Groups.
Creating the Insight software physical disk resource
1. In the Cluster Administrator window, right click the HA VSE Group from the left pane and select
New->Resource from the dropdown menu.
2. The New Resource window appears.
3. In the Name field, enter “HA-VSE Disk” and select Physical Disk from the Resource type dropdown
4. Click Next. The Possible Owners window appears. Be sure that the two systems in your cluster are
listed in the Possible Owners pane.
5. Click Next. The Dependencies window appears.
6. Click Next. Select the shared disk (in this case V:\) containing the Insight software components
program files.
7. Click Finish.
Creating the HP SIM IP address resource
1. Following the same steps as in “Creating the Insight software physical disk resource,” create
another resource in the HA VSE Group. Name the resource “HA-VSE IP Address” and select
resource type IP Address.
2. Be sure that the two systems of the cluster are listed in the Possible Owners pane.
3. No resource dependencies are required for the HP SIM IP address resource.