HP-MPI Version 1.2 for Windows Release Note

For example:
> job new /jobname:[example job]/numprocessors:12 /projectname:HPMPI
Job Queued, ID: 242
This will create a job resource and return a jobid, but not submit it.
> job add 242 /stdout:"\\node\share\%CCP_JOBNAME%-%CCPTASKCONTEXT%.out"
/stderr:"\\node\share\%CCP_JOBNAME%-%CCPTASKCONTEXT%.err" /exclusive:true
"%MPI_ROOT%\bin\mpirun" -ccp -prot -netaddr -TCP
\\node\share\rank.exe -arg1 -arg2
> job submit /id:242
1.7.3 Automatic Job Submittal
HP-MPI has added functionality which then automatically creates, schedules, and submits an
mpirun command to the scheduler from the command line. Although this functionality is limited,
it is the easiest way to quickly start mpirun.
To have HP-MPI submit the mpirun to the HPCS scheduler, type your mpirun command from
the command prompt, and then include the -ccp flag. The mpirun command detects it is not
running in a HPCS job and automatically submits the mpirun command to the scheduler.
Flags that have special meaning when using the above process are as follows:
-e MPI_WORKDIR=<directory>
Used to indicate the working directory. The default is the
current directory.
-f <appfile> Specifies a text file (appfile) that is parsed by mpirun and
contains process counts and a list of programs.
-hostfile <filename>
Indicates what nodes to use for the job. This filename
should contain a list of nodes separated by spaces or new
-hostlist <quoted-host-list>
Indicates what nodes to use for the job. This hostlist can
be delimited with spaces or commas. If spaces are used as
delimiters anywhere in the hostlist, it may be necessary to
place the entire hostlist inside quotes to prevent the
command shell from interpreting it as multiple options.
-np N Indicates the number of ranks to execute. The -np option
is required if none of -f, -hostfile, or -hostlist have
been specified.
When submitting a job, mpirun will set the job’s "working directory" to the current directory or
MPI_WORKDIR if provided, with the assumption the resulting directory name is valid across the
entire cluster. It will construct the stdout and stderr filenames from the root name of the rank,
and append the jobid and taskid to the filenames, with the extensions .out and .err respectively.
The following is an example of submitting a job through the automatic submittal:
C:\> Documents and Settings\smith> "%MPI_ROOT%\bin\mpirun.exe" -ccp -np
6 \\node\share\smith\HelloWorld.exe
mpirun: Submitting job to scheduler and exiting
Submitting job to ccp scheduler on this node
mpirun: Drive is not a network mapped - using local drive.
mpirun: HPMPI Job 1116 submitted to cluster mpiccp1
This will schedule and run 6 ranks of HelloWorld.exe. Standard output and standard error
are placed in the current directory, 'HelloWorld-1116.1.out' and 'HelloWorld-1116.1.err'
The following example changes the directory to a share drive, and uses the current directory as
the work directory for the submitted job:
24 HP-MPI V1.2 for Windows Release Note