HP-MPI Version 2.2 for HP-UX Release Note

HP-MPI V2.2 for HP-UX Release Note
What’s in This Version
% mpiCC sort.C -mpiCClib /scratch/libmpicc/libmpiCC.a
New mpirun command line launch options
HP-MPI 2.2 supports these new mpirun command line launch options.
Four new options are provided for command line job launching of the same executable across a
collection of hosts. These four options are:
-hostlist <quoted-host-list>
-hostfile <filename>
Each of the above arguments may be combined with an optional rank count '-np N' which, if
present, will select exactly N ranks. The ranks are selected by traversing the
list|file|env-vars of hosts in order with wraparound if the requested number of ranks
exceeds the number of hosts. If the number of desired ranks is not specified, then the
list|file|env-vars are traversed once to produce a complete list of hosts.
-hostlist <quoted-host-list> where <quoted-host-list> is one or more hosts separated
by spaces or commas and hosts can have a trailing count designated with :<N> or a trailing
-hostlist ''n1:4 n2 2''
# 4 ranks will be launched on n1 and 2 ranks on n2.
-hostlist ''n2:2 4 n3''
# 8 ranks will be launched on n2 and 1 rank on n3.
-np 12 -hostlist ''n2:2 4 n3''
# 8 ranks on n2, 1 rank on n3, 3 ranks on n2 due to wraparound.
-np 3 -hostlist ''n2:2 n3:4''
# 2 ranks on n2, 1 on n3 since -np overrides.
-hostfile <filename> is a text file with hostnames separated by spaces or new lines. Each
hostname may have an optional count field.
Assuming hfile contains
n1 2
n3 3
-np 4 -hostfile hfile
# 2 ranks on n1 and 2 ranks on n3.