HP Process Resource Manager User's Guide

Using PRM with Serviceguard
Appendix E250
An example of a customer-defined function is given on the following
pages. It performs the following tasks:
1. Checks to see if PRM is installed.
2. If PRM is installed, it checks for the desired configuration file.
3. If the desired configuration file is not found, it is created.
4. Checks to see if PRM is configured.
5. If PRM is not already configured, the desired configuration is loaded.
6. If PRM is already configured, the configuration is checked for the
group math_dept. This is the group the application should run in. If
math_dept is not found, a warning is issued. Because math_dept is
not available, the Serviceguard package will be started in the PRM
group it is assigned in the PRM configuration.
7. If the math_dept group exists already, the configuration is logged for
future reference. The Serviceguard package will run in the
math_dept group.