HP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Suite Software 7.3.1-00 CLI Reference Guide

Obtain this value from the execution result of the GetHostInfo command. In the execution result
of this command, the objectID value appears under An instance of HostInfo. Use this
objectID value to specify the objectid parameter.
Command execution example
hdvmcli DeleteHostInfo -o "D:\logs\DeleteHostInfo.log" "objectid=*****"
*****: The value is encoded by the CLI.
Command execution result
(Command completed; no data returned)
GetHost returns the information about hosts.
If two or more paths are set from a virtualization server for a single volume, the values for the portID
attribute, domainID attribute, and scsiID attribute for the HostInfo instance for the target volume
might not be correct. Use the management client for the virtualization server to check this information.
When obtaining information about all hosts, or information for a particular type of host:
hdvmcli [URL] GetHost [options]
When obtaining information about a specific host:
hdvmcli [URL] GetHost [options]
When obtaining information about a particular HORCM configuration file on the host, or information
for a particular copy group related to the host:
hdvmcli [URL] GetHost [options]
CLI Reference Guide 249