NetBase for MPE Reference Guide

Chapter 4
This command writes the program records to the open NetBase directory. There are three purposes
for adding program records to the directory, they are:
Disable NetBase functions on one program or on a set of programs.
Override certain run time options from those specified at process creation.
Define processes that NetBase will run on a remote node using NS's RPM.
If the command is issued without specifying a remote program name or remote node, it is used to
disable NetBase functions. The NONB option disables all NetBase functions for the program or set of
programs. If it is selected, it is the only option that may be selected. The rest of the options for this
mode of the command may be specified in almost any combination. This command requires NODE
If a remote node name or number is specified in the PROGRAM command, the command is used to
set up a program that NetBase will run on a remote machine using NS's RPM. The options for this
mode of the command modify how the program on the remote node is executed.
D> PROGRAM progname [;MAP ] <Disable NetBase options>
[;NONB ]
D> PROGRAM progname [;DEBUG ] <Override local runtime options>
[;LIB= ]
[;PARM= ]
[;XL= ]
D> PROGRAM progname [=remoteprog][,nodeid][;LIB= ] <AutoRPM>
[;NOEQ ]
[;XL= ]
D> PROGRAM progname [;SHADOW ] <Special options>