MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 110
elseif _str_entry = "read_config" then
# Arg 1 is the "[jobname,]user.acct" name from the job card.
# Arg 2 is the *name* of the var to return the jobQ name if the acct name
# Input redirected to the jobQ config file.
setvar _str_arg1 word(_str_entry_parms," ")
setvar _str_arg2 word(_str_entry_parms," ",2)
setvar _str_eof finfo (hpstdin, eof”)
# read config file and find [jobname,]user.acct match (wildcards are ok)
while setvar(_str_eof ,_str_eof-1) >= 0
and &
(setvar(_str_rec,ltrim(rtrim(input()))) = “” or &
lft(_str_rec,1) = '#' or &
not pmatch(ups(word(_str_rec,,-2)),_str_ua) or &
(pos(',',_str_rec) > 0 and lft(_str_rec,2) <> '@,’ and &
not pmatch(ups(word(_str_rec)),_str_jname)) ) do
if _str_eof >= 0 then
# [jobname,]user.acct match, return jobq name
setvar !_str_arg2 word(_str_rec,,-1)
Stream UDC - “read_config