Command Reference Guide

2.11 NAME 79
Configure a new FSE media pool with parameters, written in the configura-
tion file ConfigFileName. This action checks the validity of the configura-
tion file, copies the file to Configuration Database and inserts the parameter
values into Resource Management Database. FSE media pool names are
unique within the FSE installation.
The name of the FSE media pool configuration file to use.
–r, –remove
Remove an existing FSE media pool from the FSE system. This includes re-
moval of all configuration file revisions of this FSE media pool from Config-
uration Database. Note that unless additional option force is specified,
the command demands FSE administrator’s confirmation before performing
this operation. Default answer to the confirmation question is "No".
The name of the FSE media pool to manage configuration for.
–F, –force
Set forced mode for FSE media pool removal. In this mode, FSE adminis-
trator’s confirmation of FSE media pool removal is skipped. The command
treats it as if FSE administrator would have answered the confirmation ques-
tion with "Yes". This option may only be used together with the –remove
–s, –show
If the RevisionNumber argument is given, print the appropriate configura-
tion revision for the FSE media pool Name, otherwise print the configura-
tion revision in–use.
A non–negative integer value which represents the configuration revision to
–H, –history
Print configuration history depth for the FSE media pool Name. Configu-
ration history depth is the number of the configuration file revisions which
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference