HP Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server Version 5.1B-5 Patch Summary and Release Notes (March 2009)

Improve the performance of systems that are performing heavy file I/O.
Corrects several minor problems with the IPv6 subsystem related to the Neighbor
Discovery specification.
Provides an RFC3542 compliant implementation of IPv6 Advanced API.
Fixes a panic condition caused by a problem in the swapping subsystem.
Allows the niffconfig command to exceed 10 interfaces.
Corrects a potential kernel memory fault.
Fixes a problem of a system hang that occurs when the system may be swapping
Fixes overall system instability caused by the pshare subsystem
Speeds up the discovery of a healthy cluster interconnect interface by helping
NetRAIN failover to a redundant healthy interface before the (Internode
Communication Services) begins to time out on the keepalives, thereby preventing
the cluster from crashing.
Fixes certain panics conditions by increasing the timeout for CPU onlines.
Updates Mobile IPv6 code to be compliant with the latest RFC.
Corrects the handling of a condition that can lead to a panic under heavy system
load with high swap activity.
Corrects a problem in which the cp -p command will not copy DMAPI-managed
region information.
Addresses an issue in which the default value for kernel flag mobileipv6_enabled
is 1
Corrects the cause of a panic on a cluster system when renaming a root specified
by the chroot command.
Fixes a kernel memory leak that occurs during routing table updates, which over
time, can cause memory shortages for machines attached to a constantly changing
network, as in the case of mobile IP.
Fixes the cause of a hang/panic that occurs soon after a console printf returns the
message “NFS over TCP client xxx not reading replies, continuing."
Corrects a kernel memory fault in exit() where uu_curinfo is nil.
Fixes MIP6_CACHE_READ_TO_WRITE_LOCK() to not call lock_read_to_write()
when in lockmode=0 to avoid a panic.
Modifies asynchronous I/O to prevent it from releasing file region locks.
Fixes "issig recursion" panics.
Fixes a simple lock timeout panic in the ubc_invalidate routine.
Corrects a condition in which the fork() function can lead to a “vm_pg_free: page
mapped" panic when big pages are enabled.
Corrects a problem with HSZ events that cause I/O errors rather than doing the
appropriate retries so the I/O can be successful.
Corrects problem that prevents proper XP RaidManager operation.
Corrects a Routing Header Type 2 length miscalculation.
132 Tru64 UNIX Patches