Command Reference Guide

112 Platform LSF Command Reference
-J Output
Displays the following summary information for each job:
JOBID The job ID assigned by LSF.
USER The name of the user who submitted the job.
HOST The name of the host where the job has been started.
PROJECT The name of the license project that the job is associated with.
CLUSTER The name of the LSF cluster that the job is associated with. Displays “-” for an
interactive job.
START_TIME The job start time.
Displays the following information for each license in use by the job:
RESOURCE The name of the license requested by the job.
RUSAGE The number of licenses requested by the job.
SERVICE_DOMAIN The name of the service domain that provided the license.
The keyword UNKNOWN means the job requested a license from License
Scheduler but has not checked out the license from FLEXnet.
Long Output (-l)
Displays the default output and the following additional information for each job:
OTHERS License usage for non-managed or non-LSF workload.
DISPLAYS Terminal display associated with the license feature.
PIDS Process ID of the process that checked out the license feature.
The Macrovision FLEXnet plugin for LSF License Scheduler must be enabled to
display the process ID.
Viewing license feature locality
When LOCAL_TO is configured for a feature in lsf.licensescheduler, blusers
shows the cluster locality information for the license features. For example:
hspice@clusterA SD1 user1 host1 1 1
hspice@siteB SD2 user2 host2 1 1