
Appendix B - Numeric Systems
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Appendix B
Numeric Systems
B.1 Decimal numeric system
B.2 Binary numeric system
B.3 Hexadecimal numeric system
It was always difficult for people to accept the fact that some things differ from them or their way
of thinking. That is probably one of the reasons why numeric systems which differ from a decimal
are still hard to understand. Still, whether we want it or not, reality is different. Decimal numeric
system that people use in everyday life is so far behind the binary system used by millions of
computers around the world.
Each numeric system are based on some basis. With a decimal numeric system, that basis is 10,
with binary 2, and with a hexadecimal system 16. The value of each decimal is determined by its
position in relation to the whole number represented in the given numeric system. The sum of
values of each decimal gives the value of the whole number. Binary and hexadecimal numeric
systems are especially interesting for the subject of this book. Beside these, we will also discuss a
decimal system, in order to compare it with the other two. Even though a decimal numeric system
is a subject we are well acquainted with, we will discuss it here because of its relatedness to other
numeric systems.
B.1 Decimal numeric system
Decimal numeric system is defined by its basis 10 and decimal space that is counted from right to
left, and consists of numbers 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. That means that the end right digit of the
total sum is multiplied by 1, next one by 10, next by 100, etc.
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