
Files created as a result of program translation
As a result of the process of translating a program written in assembler language we get files like:
Executing file (Program_Name.HEX)
Program errors file (Program_Name.ERR)
List file (Program_Name.LST)
The first file contains translated program which was read in microcontroller by programming. Its
contents can not give any information to programmer, so it will not be considered any further.
The second file contains possible errors that were made in the process of writing, and which were
noticed by assembly translator during translation process. Errors can be discovered in a "list" file
as well. This file is more suitable though when program is big and viewing the 'list' file takes
The third file is the most useful to programmer. Much information is contained in it, like
information about positioning instructions and variables in memory, or error signalization.
Example of 'list' file for the program in this chapter follows. At the top of each page is stated
information about the file name, date when it was translated, and page number. First column
contains an address in program memory where a instruction from that row is placed. Second
column contains a value of any variable defined by one of the directives : SET, EQU, VARIABLE,
CONSTANT or CBLOCK. Third column is reserved for the form of a translated instruction which PIC
is executing. The fourth column contains assembler instructions and programmer's comments.
Possible errors will appear between rows following a line in which the error occured.
http://www.mikroelektronika.co.yu/english/product/books/PICbook/4_Poglavlje.htm (13 of 15) [4/2/2003 16:18:10]