Terminal Server User Guide

Transferring Files
6-4 893-386-B
4. Start the file transfer program on the remote host, if it is not already running there.
Chris starts up Kermit on FinanceVAX:
$ RUN applications:KERMIT
VMS KERMIT - 32 version 3.2.076-a
Default terminal for transfers is: _VTA463:
(In this example, a directory called "applications" contains the Kermit program. The organization of
directories and files varies on different hosts. Check with your network manager to determine the
location of the file transfer program on a LAT service or other host.)
5. Exit from the terminal emulation program and return to the PC operating system.
In this example, the Kermit program displays a message telling the user how to do this. Chris enters
the appropriate escape sequence and invokes the local PC operating system.
Kermit Server running on VAX/VMS host. Please type your escape
sequence to return to your local machine. Shut down the server
with the Kermit BYE command on your local machine.
Kermit-32> <CTRL>/<]> <C>
6. Run the file transfer program and send the file.
From the PC, Chris enters the Kermit SEND command and the filename Finance_Report. The Kermit
program responds with information and status about the file transfer:
Kermit-MS> SEND Finance_Report
File name: Finance_Report
KBytes transferred: 113
Percent transferred: 100%
Sending: Completed
Number of packets: 1706
Number of retries: 0
Last error: None
Last warning: None
(To retrieve a file from the host, the command is GET filename.)