Technical data

Appendix E - Glossary
2D Two-dimensional
3D Three dimensional (i.e. including altitude)
AGC Automatic Gain Control
Almanac Data transmitted by each satellite, and which provides the
approximate orbital information of all the GPS satellites
constellation (i.e. a ‘timetable’).
Antenna Also called ‘Aerial’, the device for receiving the radio signals.
ASCII A standard digital format for alpha-numeric characters
(American Standard Code for Information Interchange).
Baud Serial digital communication speed units (bits per second).
BIT Built in Test
CDU Control-Display Unit
CEP Circular Error Probability
Channel The satellite tracking unit of a GPS receiver. One may track
more than one satellite, by multiplexing, but for best
performance each satellite should be continuously tracked by
a dedicated channel so more than one channel is often
integrated into a receiver.