Systems Zephyr Livewire-Mpeg Gateway User's Manual

24 | Section 3
; publishing outlets. You can use %s anywhere in the title to have the encoder’s option included
; into the final stream name.
; SourceNameFormat=%s powered by Steamcast
; SourceIsDefault [*Yes|No]: Setting this to Yes will make this particular
; mount available globally. ere can be only one global mount. is
; is also the only mount that will be able to list at
; SourceIP: Setting this to a dotted IP address will make this particular
; mount available at the root of steamcast (much like SHOUTcast) for the IP
; specified here. Note: You must own the IP you place here. Inaccurate
; settings will have no effect. is setting essentially will allow you to
; list multiple source points in the SHOUTcast directory. It is not neccessary
; to set this setting if you only own one IP. Setting this for any Source will
; disable the SourceIsDefault flag on any mount.
; SourceIP=
; SourceAuth: [Yes|*No]: Allows you to setup HTTP Basic Authorization on this
; mount point. All Authentication is currently file based. Please see steamauth.txt
; SourceAuth overrides the public bit and will force all SourceAuthd streams to be
; private.
; SourceAuth=No
; SourceAuthMax: [*0]: Allows you to set the maximum amount of connections per
; authenticated
; user. A setting of 0 is interpreted as unlimited.
; SourceAuthMax=0
; SourceListenerTimer: [*0]: Allows you to specify the amount of time a client can stay
; connected in minutes. A value of 0 disables this feature and allows clients to stay connected
; for an unlimited amount of time.
; SourceListenerTimer=0
; SourcePublic: [*Default|Always|Never]: Allows you to specify whether to override the source’s
; public bit setting. When set to Always a source mount will list on directory services regardless
; of the encoder’s specified preference. When set to Never the source mount will refuse to list on
; directory services. e default of... Default (heh) sets the source to let the encoder decide
; listing preference.
; SourcePublic=Default
; SourcePublicRelays: [*Yes|No]: Whether servers which relay steamcast should list on directory