Installation guide

Because some responses will be truncated and require subsequent requests, it is recommended to always use the
Select iterator to easily retrieve an entire result set.
$iterator = $client->getIterator('Select', array(
'SelectExpression' => "select * from mydomain where a = '1'"
foreach ($iterator as $item) {
echo $item['Name'] . "\n";
You can find much more information about the Select operation in the service's developer guide on select.
Deleting items
You can delete specific attributes of an item or an entire item using the DeleteAttributes operation. If all attributes of
an item are deleted, the item is deleted.
Let's go ahead and delete the item we created in mydomain.
'DomainName' => 'mydomain',
'ItemName' => 'test'
Because we did not specify an Attributes parameter, the entire item is deleted.
Deleting domains
Now that we've explored some of the features of Amazon SimpleDB, we should delete our testing data. The
DeleteDomain operation deletes a domain. Any items (and their attributes) in the domain are deleted as well. The
DeleteDomain operation might take 10 or more seconds to complete.
$client->deleteDomain(array('DomainName' => 'mydomain'));
API Reference
Please see the Amazon SimpleDB Client API reference for a details about all of the available methods, including
descriptions of the inputs and outputs.
BatchDeleteAttributes BatchPutAttributes
CreateDomain DeleteAttributes
DeleteDomain DomainMetadata
GetAttributes ListDomains
PutAttributes Select
Amazon Simple Notification Service
This guide focuses on the AWS SDK for PHP client for Amazon Simple Notification Service. This guide assumes
that you have already downloaded and installed the AWS SDK for PHP. See Installation for more information on
getting started.
Creating a client
First you need to create a client object using one of the following techniques.
Factory method
The easiest way to get up and running quickly is to use the Aws\Sns\SnsClient::factory() method and
provide your credentials (key and secret).
Amazon Simple Notification Service