Installation guide

$result = $client->receiveMessage(array(
'QueueUrl' => $queueUrl,
'WaitTimeSeconds' => 10,
You can also configure long-polling at the queue level by setting the ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds
queue attribute.
API Reference
Please see the Amazon Simple Queue Service Client API reference for a details about all of the available methods,
including descriptions of the inputs and outputs.
AddPermission ChangeMessageVisibility
ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch CreateQueue
DeleteMessage DeleteMessageBatch
DeleteQueue GetQueueAttributes
GetQueueUrl ListDeadLetterSourceQueues
ListQueues ReceiveMessage
RemovePermission SendMessage
SendMessageBatch SetQueueAttributes
AWS Storage Gateway
This guide focuses on the AWS SDK for PHP client for AWS Storage Gateway. This guide assumes that you have
already downloaded and installed the AWS SDK for PHP. See Installation for more information on getting started.
Creating a client
First you need to create a client object using one of the following techniques.
Factory method
The easiest way to get up and running quickly is to use the
Aws\StorageGateway\StorageGatewayClient::factory() method and provide your credentials (key and
A region parameter is also required and must be set to one of the following values: us-east-1,
ap-northeast-1, sa-east-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, us-west-2, us-west-1, cn-north-1,
use Aws\StorageGateway\StorageGatewayClient;
$client = StorageGatewayClient::factory(array(
'key' => '<aws access key>',
'secret' => '<aws secret key>',
'region' => '<region name>'
You can provide your access keys like in the preceding example, or you can choose to omit them if you are using
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles for EC2 instances or credentials sourced from the
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
AWS Storage Gateway